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First part is over -and still alive

Our fifth week started on monday with Anna's lecture about content marketing. The lecture was about emotions and how important for marketers is to appeal to the people's emotions. If you want to raise emotions you have to make imperissons and the first one is the most important. At the time when we are living in this digital world and companies and business are taking increasingly place in the internet and web-world it's very important to give a good impression in every channel. So having an interesting and practical web-pages which are updated regularly and useing some SOME accounts is a good start (Anna told us about different kind of analyzers which you can use for to test f.ex. the quality of your web-pages). But now when the world is constantly changeing and the possibilities in digitalbusiness has grown it's important to do more and touch people in an emotional way. One of the most powerful way to advertise is doing it by video and Anna showed us a few very touching ones and all that she lectured really made sense after those videos. When I got home I started to watch some and I noticed that in Thailand they really know how to appeal to your emotions, here is one example which made me cry (which isn't surprising anyone who knows me:)):

On Anna's lecture we also had to quickly select some ad which was either succeeded or not. When you are doing some marketing there are some things which you have to pay attention to, like timeing and audience, ethics and etc. We decided to pick one with terrible timeing, it was a post in American Rifleman's twitter account. It was more like a bad luck than a bad advertisement. Because at the same day they made the post happened one terrible shooting in one cinema where people got killed.

Anna has always very interesting topics and I find her way to give a lot of real-life-examples very entertaining. Anna showed us also some quotes from which we had to choose one and write some thoughts about it to our blogs. I'm very bad making in any kind of decisions so I spent some time reading those over and over again, finally I made up my mind and chose one and here it is:

I chose this one because I have worked in customer service over a decade and I have some experience of different kind of customers and how they can sometimes get whatever they want only by being outreagous, arregant and behaving like the owner of the world. It take a long time for me to get over the fact that those who can't behave properly and respectful are the ones who get the most discounts and benefits. It's sad that when the competition of having, getting and keeping the customers is so desperate that the customers become like kings for the company and they get the power to do whatever they want to, and unfortunately the world is full of people who doesn't hesitate to use that power. But on the other hand customers ARE THE ONES that makes your business even exist. Without any customers you can't do any business so in a way customers are the kings in business. So as a businessman you always have to give to the customer something more than your competitor can.

On Friday we had to present what we had created for LacyBox. Our team's topic was an engagement gift, which at the beginning seemed to be quite challenging, because we had some different kind of thoughts about it and we weren't so sure of what perspective we had to look at the topic. But then Oskar made up an idea about a great slogan: make her say yes! That's when it all started to roll and I have to say that we succeeded pretty well, even though the original idea was to deal it in a different angle. I believe that Lynn from LacyBox was actually positively surprised that we did it differentely. I consider our team very ambitios and we have this very good energy in it. All of us want to give an effort for each task and we want to produce only a good quality. We are all very different as a persons but we work amazingly well together. It's interesting how fast everyone takes a place in a group and we are each definately finding an own role in it.

After lunch every group had to reveal their Super Park video for the others and start the marketing of it. I was very impressed of all the videos, they are all very different and have its own message and style on it. Our coaches arranged a competition for the teams to get as many views as they can for the videos. After a week they will announce the winner. Our team has shared our video in youtube, facebook and instagram and the last time I checked we had already over 700 views and there's still few more days to go. I believe that we have a very good chance to win this :) Here is our video:

This Passed week ended our first part of this digital course. I must say that this has been very interesting, busy, challenging, entertaining and absolutely amazing course. I can't wait to see more.

Maija Vakkilainen

My name is Maija Vakkilainen and I'm 32-years old. I'm a mother of two amazing boys but I am also a student. I am studying business for my second year in Laurea University of applied science.  



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